​Deploy Internet Identity locally

David Dal Busco
3 min readNov 27, 2022
Image source: DFINITY foundation

So, you are looking to deploy Internet Identity (II) locally?

​Here are my four easiest solution to do so!


​To deploy II locally, we need to get its canister (Wasm module). We can either build the code ourself, using Docker and the docker-build script provided by the II team, or download an existing release.

​As I really dislike doing anything Devops related myself and, also because the goal of this tutorial is to make things happen fast, the following solutions are using the pre-build/released wasm (the above second option).

​The first two options are applicable for any dapps, the last two are more useful if you start a new project.

​1. Automatic Installation

It is possible to set up II for a project with dfx >= 0.12.0 using a custom canister.

So, just drop the following configuration in your project and that’s already it.

"canisters": {


"internet_identity": {
"type": "custom",
"candid": "https://github.com/dfinity/internet-identity/releases/latest/download/internet_identity.did",

